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LGSIL (low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion)
Liar, pathologic 301.7
Libman-Sacks disease or syndrome 710.0 [424.91]
Lice (infestation) 132.9
Lichen 697.9
Lichenification 698.3
Lichenoides tuberculosis (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
Lichtheim's disease or syndrome (subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) 281.0 [336.2]
Lien migrans 289.59
Lientery (see also Diarrhea) 787.91
Life circumstance problem NEC V62.89
Li-Fraumeni cancer syndrome V84.01
Ligament - see condition
Light-for-dates (infant) 764.0
Light-headedness 780.4
Lightning (effects) (shock) (stroke) (struck by) 994.0
Lightwood's disease or syndrome (renal tubular acidosis) 588.89
Lignac's disease (cystinosis) 270.0
Lignac (-de Toni) (-Fanconi) (-Debré) syndrome (cystinosis) 270.0
Lignac (-Fanconi) syndrome (cystinosis) 270.0
Ligneous thyroiditis 245.3
Likoff's syndrome (angina in menopausal women) 413.9
Limb - see condition
Limitation of joint motion (see also Stiffness, joint) 719.5
Limit dextrinosis 271.0
Lindau's disease (retinocerebral angiomatosis) 759.6
Lindau (-von Hippel) disease (angiomatosis retinocerebellosa) 759.6
Linea corneae senilis 371.41
Lingual (tongue) - see also condition
Linitis (gastric) 535.4
Lioderma essentialis (cum melanosis et telangiectasia) 757.33
Lip - see also condition
Lipalgia 272.8
Lipedema - see Edema
Lipemia (see also Hyperlipidemia) 272.4
Lipidosis 272.7
Lipoadenoma (M8324/0 - see Neoplasm, by site, benign
Lipoblastoma (M8881/0) - see Lipoma, by site
Lipoblastomatosis (M8881/0) - see Lipoma, by site
Lipochondrodystrophy 277.5
Lipochrome histiocytosis (familial) 288.1
Lipodystrophia progressiva 272.6
Lipodystrophy (progressive) 272.6
Lipofibroma (M8851/0) - see Lipoma, by site
Lipoglycoproteinosis 272.8
Lipogranuloma, sclerosing 709.8
Lipogranulomatosis (disseminated) 272.8
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