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Schoffer's tumor (see also Peritonitis) 567.29
Scholte's syndrome (malignant carcinoid) 259.2
Scholz's disease 330.0
Scholz (-Bielschowsky-Henneberg) syndrome 330.0
Schönlein (-Henoch) disease (primary) (purpura) (rheumatic) 287.0
School examination V70.3
Schottmüller's disease (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9
Schroeder's syndrome (endocrine-hypertensive) 255.3
Schüller-Christian disease or syndrome (chronic histiocytosis X) 277.89
Schultz's disease or syndrome (agranulocytosis) 288.09
Schultze's acroparesthesia, simple 443.89
Schwalbe-Ziehen-Oppenheimer disease 333.6
Schwannoma (M9560/0) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissues, benign
Schwartz (-Jampel) syndrome 359.23
Schwartz-Bartter syndrome (inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone) 253.6
Schweninger-Buzzi disease (macular atrophy) 701.3
Sciatic - see condition
Sciatica (infectional) 724.3
Scimitar syndrome (anomalous venous drainage, right lung to inferior vena cava) 747.49
Sclera - see condition
Sclerectasia 379.11
Scleriasis - see Scleroderma
Scleritis 379.00
Sclerochoroiditis (see also Scleritis) 379.00
Scleroconjunctivitis (see also Scleritis) 379.00
Sclerocystic ovary (syndrome) 256.4
Sclerodactylia 701.0
Scleroderma, sclerodermia (acrosclerotic) (diffuse) (generalized) (progressive) (pulmonary) 710.1
Sclerokeratitis 379.05
Scleroma, trachea 040.1
Scleromyxedema 701.8
Scleroperikeratitis 379.05
Sclerose en plaques 340
Sclerosis, sclerotic
Sclerotenonitis 379.07
Sclerotitis (see also Scleritis) 379.00
Scoliosis (acquired) (postural) 737.30
Scoliotic pelvis 738.6
Scorbutus, scorbutic 267
Scotoma (ring) 368.44
Scratch - see Injury, superficial, by site
Scratchy throat 784.99
Screening (for) V82.9
Scrofula (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2
Scrofulide (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
Scrofuloderma, scrofulodermia (any site) (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
Scrofulosis (universal) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2
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