| |
without need for further medical care V71.9 |
deleterious agent ingestion V71.89 |
specified condition NEC V71.89 |
growth and development variations V21.8 |
injuries (accidental) V71.4 |
during alleged rape or seduction V71.5 |
malignant neoplasm, suspected V71.1 |
postpartum |
immediately after delivery V24.0 |
pregnancy |
normal (without complication) V22.1 |
with nonobstetric complication V22.2 |
rape or seduction, alleged V71.5 |
suicide attempt, alleged V71.89 |
suspected (undiagnosed) (unproven) |
cardiovascular disease V71.7 |
child or wife battering victim V71.6 |
concussion (cerebral) V71.6 |
infant - see Observation, suspected, condition, newborn |
maternal and fetal |
amniotic cavity and membrane problem V89.01 |
other specified problem NEC V89.09 |
cardiovascular disease V29.8 |
ingestion foreign object V29.8 |
| |