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A2 anemia 282.49
altitude effects 993.2
anoxia 993.2
ears 993.0
sinuses 993.1
polycythemia 289.0
foot 755.67
palate 750.26
artery (arterial) tension (see also Hypertension) 401.9
without diagnosis of hypertension 796.2
basal metabolic rate (BMR) 794.7
blood pressure (see also Hypertension) 401.9
incidental reading (isolated) (nonspecific), no diagnosis of hypertension 796.2
cholesterol 272.0
with high triglycerides 272.2
compliance bladder 596.4
diaphragm (congenital) 756.6
frequency deafness (congenital) (regional) 389.8
head at term 652.5
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
output failure (cardiac) (see also Failure, heart) 428.9
oxygen-affinity hemoglobin 289.0
palate 750.26
behavior -see problem
family situation V61.9
specified circumstance NEC V61.8
human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive
anal 796.75
cervical 795.05
vaginal 795.15
individual NEC V62.89
infant NEC V20.1
patient taking drugs (prescribed) V67.51
nonprescribed (see also Abuse, drugs, nondependent) 305.9
pregnancy V23.9
inadequate prenatal care V23.7
specified problem NEC V23.89
temperature (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.60
thoracic rib 756.3
triglycerides 272.1
with high cholesterol 272.2
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