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01.1 Diagnostic procedures on skull, brain, and cerebral meninges
01.10 Intracranial pressure monitoring
Includes: insertion of catheter or probe for monitoring
01.11 Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy of cerebral meninges
Burr hole approach
01.12 Open biopsy of cerebral meninges
01.13 Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy of brain
Burr hole approach
Stereotactic method
01.14 Open biopsy of brain
01.15 Biopsy of skull
01.16 Intracranial oxygen monitoring
Includes: insertion of catheter or probe for monitoring
Partial pressure of brain oxygen (PbtO2)
01.17 Brain temperature monitoring
Includes: insertion of catheter or probe for monitoring
01.18 Other diagnostic procedures on brain and cerebral meninges
brain temperature monitoring (01.17)
arteriography (88.41)
thermography (88.81)
contrast radiogram of brain (87.01-87.02)
echoencephalogram (88.71)
electroencephalogram (89.14)
intracranial oxygen monitoring (01.16)
intracranial pressure monitoring (01.10)
microscopic examination of specimen from nervous system and of spinal fluid (90.01-90.09)
neurologic examination (89.13)
phlebography of head and neck (88.61)
pneumoencephalogram (87.01)
radioisotope scan:
cerebral (92.11)
head NEC (92.12)
tomography of head:
C.A.T. scan (87.03)
other (87.04)
01.19 Other diagnostic procedures on skull
transillumination of skull (89.16)
x-ray of skull (87.17)
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