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00.5 Other cardiovascular procedures
00.50 Implantation of cardiac resynchronization pacemaker without mention of defibrillation, total system [CRT-P]
Biventricular pacemaker
Biventricular pacing without internal cardiac defibrillator
BiV pacemaker
Implantation of cardiac resynchronization (biventricular) pulse generator pacing device, formation of
pocket, transvenous leads including placement of lead into left ventricular coronary venous system, and
intraoperative procedures for evaluation of lead signals.
That with CRT-P generator and one or more leads
Note: Device testing during procedure - omit code
implantation of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator, total system [CRT-D] (00.51)
insertion or replacement of any type pacemaker device (37.80-37.87)
replacement of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator pulse generator only [CRT-D](00.54)
replacement of cardiac resynchronization pacemaker pulse generator only [CRT-P](00.53)
00.51 Implantation of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator, total system [CRT-D]
BiV defibrillator
Biventricular defibrillator
Biventricular pacing with internal cardiac defibrillator
BiV pacemaker with defibrillator
BiV pacing with defibrillator
Implantation of a cardiac resynchronization (biventricular) pulse generator with defibrillator [AICD], formation
of pocket, transvenous leads, including placement of lead into left ventricular coronary venous system,
intraoperative procedures for evaluation of lead signals, and obtaining defibrillator threshold measurements.
That with CRT-D generator and one or more leads
Note: Device testing during procedure - omit code
implantation of cardiac resynchronization pacemaker, total system [CRT-P](00.50)
implantation or replacement of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator, total system [AICD] (37.94)
replacement of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator pulse generator, only [CRT-D](00.54)
00.52 Implantation or replacement of transvenous lead [electrode] into left ventricular coronary venous system
implantation of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator, total system [CRT-D](00.51)
implantation of cardiac resynchronization pacemaker, total system [CRT-P](00.50)
initial insertion of transvenous lead [electrode] (37.70-37.72)
replacement of transvenous atrial and/or ventricular lead(s) [electrodes] (37.76)
00.53 Implantation or replacement of cardiac resynchronization pacemaker pulse generator only [CRT-P]
Implantation of CRT-P device with removal of any existing CRT-P or other pacemaker device
Note: Device testing during procedure - omit code
implantation of cardiac resynchronization pacemaker, total system [CRT-P] (00.50)
implantation or replacement of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator pulse generator only [CRT-D](00.54)
insertion or replacement of any type pacemaker device (37.80-37.87)
00.54 Implantation or replacement of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator pulse generator device only [CRT-D]
Implantation of CRT-D device with removal of any existing CRT-D, CRT-P, pacemaker, or defibrillator
Note: Device testing during procedure - omit code
implantation of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator pulse generator only (37.96)
implantation of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator, total system [CRT-D] (00.51)
implantation or replacement of cardiac resynchronization pacemaker pulse generator only [CRT-P] (00.53)
00.55 Insertion of drug-eluting peripheral vessel stent(s)
Endovascular graft(s)
Stent grafts
Code also any:
angioplasty or atherectomy of other non-coronary vessel(s) (39.50)
number of vascular stents inserted (00.45-00.48)
number of vessels treated (00.40-00.43)
procedure on vessel bifurcation (00.44)
drug-coated peripheral stents, e.g., heparin coated (39.90)
insertion of cerebrovascular stent(s) (00.63-00.65)
insertion of drug-eluting coronary artery stent (36.07)
insertion of non-drug-eluting stent(s):
coronary artery (36.06)
peripheral vessel (39.90)
that for aneurysm repair (39.71 - 39.79)
00.56 Insertion or replacement of implantable pressure sensor (lead) for intracardiac hemodynamic monitoring
Code also any associated implantation or replacement of monitor (00.57)
circulatory monitoring (blood gas, arterial or venous pressure, cardiac output and coronary blood flow) (89.60 - 89.69)
00.57 Implantation or replacement of subcutaneous device for intracardiac hemodynamic monitoring
Implantation of monitoring device with formation of subcutaneous pocket and connection to intracardiac pressure sensor (lead)
Code also any associated insertion or replacement of implanted pressure sensor (lead) (00.56)
00.58 Insertion of intra-aneurysm sac pressure monitoring device (intraoperative)
Insertion of pressure sensor during endovascular repair of abdominal or thoracic aortic aneurysm(s)
00.59 Intravascular pressure measurement of coronary arteries
Includes: fractional flow reserve (FFR)
Code also any synchronous diagnostic or therapeutic procedures
intravascular pressure measurement of intrathoracic arteries (00.67)
Web icd9cm.chrisendres.com