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Waiver, T2012-T2050
Walker, E0130-E0149
 accessories, A4636, A4637
 attachments, E0153-E0159
Walking splint, L4386
 distilled (for nebulizer), A7018
 pressure pad/mattress, E0187, E0198
 purification system (ESRD), E1610, E1615
 softening system (ESRD), E1625
 sterile, A4714
Wedges, shoe, L3340-L3420
Wet mount, Q0111
Wheel attachment, rigid pickup walker, E0155
Wheelchair, E0950-E1298, K0001-K0108
 accessories, E0192, E0950-E1030, E1065-E1069, E2211-E2230, E2300-E2399
 amputee, E1170-E1200
 back, fully reclining, manual, E1226
 component or accessory, not otherwise specified, K0108
 cushions, E2601-E2619
 narrowing device, E0969
 power add-on, E0983-E0984
 shock absorber, E1015-E1018
 specially sized, E1220, E1230
 stump support system, K0551
 tire, E0999
 transfer board or device, E0705
 tray, K0107
 van, non-emergency, A0130
 youth, E1091
WHFO with inflatable air chamber, L3807
Whirlpool equipment, E1300-E1310
WHO, wrist extension, L3914
Wig, A9282
Wipes, A4245, A4247
Wound cleanser, A6260
Wound cover
 alginate dressing, A6196-A6198
 collagen dressing, A6020-A6024
 foam dressing, A6209-A6214
 hydrocolloid dressing, A6234-A6239
 hydrogel dressing, A6242-A6247
 non-contact wound warming cover, and accessory, E0231, E0232
 specialty absorptive dressing, A6251-A6256
Wound filler
 alginate dressing, A6199
 collagen based, A6010
 foam dressing, A6215
 hydrocolloid dressing, A6240, A6241
 hydrogel dressing, A6248
 not elsewhere classified, A6261, A6262
Wound pouch, A6154
 disarticulation prosthesis, L6050, L6055
 hand/finger orthosis (WHFO), E1805, E1825, L3800-L3954
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