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Face tent, oxygen, A4619
Faceplate, ostomy, A4361
Factor IX, J7193, J7194, J7195
Factor VIIA coagulation factor, recombinant, J7189
Factor VIII, anti-hemophilic factor, J7190-J7192
Family Planning Education, H1010
Fentanyl citrate and droperidol, J1810
Fentanyl citrate, J3010
Fern test, Q0114
Filgrastim (G-CSF), J1440, J1441
Filler, wound
 alginate dressing, A6199
 foam dressing, A6215
 hydrocolloid dressing, A6240, A6241
 hydrogel dressing, A6248
 not elsewhere classified, A6261, A6262
Film, transparent (for dressing), A6257-A6259
 aerosol compressor, A7014
 dialysis carbon, A4680
 ostomy, A4368
 tracheostoma, A4481
 ultrasonic generator, A7014
Fistula cannulation set, A4730
Flebogamma, J1572
Flowmeter, E0440, E0555, E0580
Floxuridine, J9200
Fluconazole, injection, J1450
Fludarabine phosphate, J9185
Fluid barrier, dialysis, E1575
Flunisolide inhalation solution, J7641
Fluocinolone, J7311
Fluoride treatment, D1201-D1205
Fluorodeoxyglucose F-18 FDG, A9552
Fluorouracil, J9190
Foam dressing, A6209-A6215
Foam pad adhesive, A5126
Folding walker, E0135, E0143
Foley catheter, A4312-A4316, A4338-A4346
Fomepizole, J1451
Fomivirsen sodium intraocular, J1452
Fondaparinux sodium, J1652
Footdrop splint, L4398
Footplate, E0175, E0970, L3031
Footwear, orthopedic, L3201-L3265
Forearm crutches, E0110, E0111
Formoterol, J7640
Foscarnet sodium, J1455
Fosphenytoin, Q2009
 bedpan, E0276
 frame, E0920, E0930, E0946-E0948
 orthosis, L2106-L2136, L3980-L3986
 orthotic additions, L2180-L2192, L3995
Fragmin, see Dalteparin sodium
Frames (spectacles), V2020, V2025
Fulvestrant, J9395
Furosemide, J1940
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