| |
| 669 Other complications of labor and delivery, not elsewhere classified
Requires fifth digit; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code. See beginning of section 660-669 for definitions. |
| 669.0 Maternal distress
Metabolic disturbance in labor and delivery |
| 669.1 Shock during or following labor and delivery
Obstetric shock |
| 669.2 Maternal hypotension syndrome
[0-4] |
| 669.3 Acute renal failure following labor and delivery
[0,2,4] |
| 669.4 Other complications of obstetrical surgery and procedures
arrest following cesarean or other obstetrical surgery or procedure, including delivery NOS
failure following cesarean or other obstetrical surgery or procedure, including delivery NOS
Cerebral anoxia following cesarean or other obstetrical surgery or procedure, including delivery NOS
Excludes: complications of obstetrical surgical wounds (674.1-674.3) |
| 669.5 Forceps or vacuum extractor delivery without mention of indication
Delivery by ventouse, without mention of indication |
| 669.6 Breech extraction, without mention of indication
Excludes: breech delivery NOS (652.2) |
| 669.7 Cesarean delivery, without mention of indication
[0,1] |
| 669.8 Other complications of labor and delivery
[0-4] |
| 669.9 Unspecified complication of labor and delivery
[0-4] |