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E928 Other and unspecified environmental and accidental causes
E928.0 Prolonged stay in weightless environment
Weightlessness in spacecraft (simulator)
E928.1 Exposure to noise
Noise (pollution)
Sound waves
Supersonic waves
E928.2 Vibration
E928.3 Human bite
E928.4 External constriction caused by hair
E928.5 External constriction caused by other object
E928.6 Environmental exposure to harmful algae and toxins
Algae bloom NOS
Blue-green algae bloom
Brown tide
Cyanobacteria bloom
Florida red tide
Harmful algae bloom
Pfiesteria piscicida
Red tide
E928.8 Other
E928.9 Unspecified accident
Accident NOS stated as accidentally inflicted
Blow NOS stated as accidentally inflicted
Casualty (not due to war) stated as accidentally inflicted
Decapitation stated as accidentally inflicted
Injury [any part of body, or unspecified] stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise specified
Killed stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise specified
Knocked down stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise specified
Mangled stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise specified
Wound stated as accidentally inflicted, but not otherwise specified
fracture, cause unspecified (E887)
injuries undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted (E980.0-E989)
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