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Urban yellow fever 060.1
Urea, blood, high - see Uremia
Uremia, uremic (absorption) (amaurosis) (amblyopia) (aphasia) (apoplexy) (coma) (delirium) (dementia) (dropsy) (dyspnea) (fever) (intoxication) (mania) (paralysis) (poisoning) (toxemia) (vomiting) 586
Ureter, ureteral - see condition
Ureteralgia 788.0
Ureterectasis 593.89
Ureteritis 593.89
Ureterocele (acquired) 593.89
Ureterolith 592.1
Ureterolithiasis 592.1
Ureterostomy status V44.6
Urethra, urethral - see condition
Urethralgia 788.99
Urethritis (abacterial) (acute) (allergic) (anterior) (chronic) (nonvenereal) (posterior) (recurrent) (simple) (subacute) (ulcerative) (undifferentiated) 597.80
Urethrolithiasis 594.2
Urethro-oculoarticular syndrome 099.3
Urethro-oculosynovial syndrome 099.3
Urethrorectal - see condition
Urethrorrhagia 599.84
Urethrorrhea 788.7
Urethrostomy status V44.6
Urethrotrigonitis 595.3
Urethrovaginal - see condition
Urhidrosis, uridrosis 705.89
Uric acid
Uricacidemia 790.6
Uricemia 790.6
Uricosuria 791.9
Urine, urinary - see also condition
Urinemia - see Uremia
Urinoma NEC 599.9
Uroarthritis, infectious 099.3
Urodialysis 788.5
Urolithiasis 592.9
Uronephrosis 593.89
Uropathy 599.9
Urosepsis 599.0
Urticaria 708.9
Urticarioides acarodermatitis 133.9
Use of
Usher-Senear disease (pemphigus erythematosus) 694.4
Uta 085.5
Uterine size-date discrepancy 649.6
Uteromegaly 621.2
Uterovaginal - see condition
Uterovesical - see condition
Uterus - see condition
Utriculitis (utriculus prostaticus) 597.89
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