Torus |
Touraine's syndrome (hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia) 756.89 |
Touraine-Solente-Golé syndrome (acropachyderma) 757.39 |
Tourette's disease (motor-verbal tic) 307.23 |
Toxemica cerebropathia psychica (nonalcoholic) 294.0 |
Toxic (poisoning) - see also condition |
Toxicemia - see Toxemia |
Toxicity |
Toxicosis (see also Toxemia) 799.89 |
Toxoplasma infection, generalized 130.9 |
Toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.9 |
Trabeculation, bladder 596.8 |
Trachea - see condition |
Tracheitis (acute) (catarrhal) (infantile) (membranous) (plastic) (pneumococcal) (septic) (suppurative) (viral) 464.10 |
Trachelitis (nonvenereal) (see also Cervicitis) 616.0 |
Tracheobronchial - see condition |
Tracheobronchitis (see also Bronchitis) 490 |
Tracheobronchomegaly (congenital) 748.3 |
Tracheobronchopneumonitis - see Pneumonia, broncho |
Tracheocele (external) (internal) 519.19 |
Tracheopharyngitis (acute) 465.8 |
Tracheostomy |
Trachoma, trachomatous 076.9 |
Training |
Trait |
Transfusion, blood |
Transient - see also condition |
Transitional, lumbosacral joint of vertebra 756.19 |
Translocation |
Transmission of chemical substances through the placenta (affecting fetus or newborn) 760.70 |
Transplant (ed) |
Transplants, ovarian, endometrial 617.1 |
Transposed - see Transposition |
Transposition (congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital |
Transverse - see also condition |
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