Regurgitated |
Reichmann's disease or syndrome (gastrosuccorrhea) 536.8 |
Reifenstein's syndrome (hereditary familial hypogonadism, male) 259.52 |
Reilly's syndrome or phenomenon (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9 |
Reimann's periodic disease 277.31 |
Reinsertion, contraceptive device V25.42 |
Reiter's disease, syndrome, or urethritis 099.3 [711.1099.3 |
Rejection |
Relaxation |
Remains |
Remittent fever (malarial) 084.6 |
Remnant |
Remote effect of cancer- see condition |
Removal (of) |
Ren |
Renal - see also condition |
Rendu-Osler-Weber disease or syndrome (familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) 448.0 |
Rénon-Delille syndrome 253.8 |
Repair |
Replacement by artificial or mechanical device or prosthesis of (see also Fitting (of)) |
Reprogramming |
Request for expert evidence V68.2 |
Reserve, decreased or low |
Residual - see also condition |
Resistance, resistant (to) |
Resorption |
Respiration |
Respiratory - see also condition |
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 079.6 |
Response |
Rest, rests |
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) 333.94 |
Restoration of organ continuity from previous sterilization (tuboplasty) (vasoplasty) V26.0 |
Restriction of housing space V60.1 |
Restzustand, schizophrenic (see also Schizophrenia) 295.6 |
Retained - see Retention |
Retardation |
Retching - see Vomiting |
Retention, retained |
Reticulation, dust (occupational) 504 |
Reticuloendotheliosis |
Reticulohistiocytoma (giant cell) 277.89 |
Reticulohistiocytosis, multicentric 272.8 |
Reticulolymphosarcoma (diffuse) (M9613/3) 200.8 |
| |