Prediabetes, prediabetic 790.29 |
Predislocation status of hip, at birth (see also Subluxation, congenital, hip) 754.32 |
Pre-eclampsia (mild) 642.4 |
Preeruptive color change, teeth, tooth 520.8 |
Pregnancy (single) (uterine) (without sickness) V22.2 |
Pregnant uterus - see condition |
Preiser's disease (osteoporosis) 733.09 |
Preluxation of hip, congenital (see also Subluxation, congenital, hip) 754.32 |
Premature - see also condition |
Premenstrual syndrome 625.4 |
Premenstrual tension 625.4 |
Premolarization, cuspids 520.2 |
Prenatal |
Prepartum - see condition |
Preponderance, left or right ventricular 429.3 |
Prepuce - see condition |
PRES (posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome) 348.39 |
Prescription of contraceptives NEC V25.02 |
Presenile - see also condition |
Presentation, fetal |
Prespondylolisthesis (congenital) (lumbosacral) 756.11 |
Pressure |
Prickling sensation (see also Disturbance, sensation) 782.0 |
Primary - see condition |
Primigravida, elderly |
Primipara, old |
Primus varus (bilateral) (metatarsus) 754.52 |
PRIND (prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic deficit) 434.91 |
Pringle's disease (tuberous sclerosis) 759.5 |
Prinzmetal's angina 413.1 |
Prinzmetal-Massumi syndrome (anterior chest wall) 786.52 |
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