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Keratodermatocele 371.72
Keratoglobus 371.70
Keratohemia 371.12
Keratoiritis (see also Iridocyclitis) 364.3
Keratolysis exfoliativa (congenital) 757.39
Keratoma 701.1
Keratomalacia 371.45
Keratomegaly 743.41
Keratomycosis 111.1
Keratopathy 371.40
Keratoscleritis, tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [370.31]
Keratosis 701.1
Kerato-uveitis (see also Iridocyclitis) 364.3
Keraunoparalysis 994.0
Kerion (celsi) 110.0
Kernicterus of newborn (not due to isoimmunization) 774.7
Ketoacidosis 276.2
Ketonuria 791.6
Ketosis 276.2
Kidney - see condition
Kimmelstiel (-Wilson) disease or syndrome (intercapillary glomerulosclerosis) 250.4 [581.81]
Kink, kinking
Kinnier Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) 275.1
Klauder's syndrome (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.19
Klebs' disease (see also Nephritis) 583.9
Klein-Waardenburg syndrome (ptosis-epicanthus) 270.2
Kleine-Levin syndrome 327.13
Kleptomania 312.32
Klinefelter's syndrome 758.7
Klinger's disease 446.4
Klippel's disease 723.8
Klippel-Feil disease or syndrome (brevicollis) 756.16
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome 759.89
Klumpke (-Déjérine) palsy, paralysis (birth) (newborn) 767.6
Klüver-Bucy (-Terzian) syndrome 310.0
Knee - see condition
Knifegrinders' rot (see also Tuberculosis) 011.4
Knock-knee (acquired) 736.41
Knots, surfer 919.8
Knotting (of)
Knuckle pads (Garrod's) 728.79
Köbner's disease (epidermolysis bullosa) 757.39
Koch-Weeks conjunctivitis 372.03
Koenig-Wichman disease (pemphigus) 694.4
Köhler's disease (osteochondrosis) 732.5
Köhler-Mouchet disease (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5
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