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Scabies (any site) 133.0
Scabs 782.8
Scaglietti-Dagnini syndrome (acromegalic macrospondylitis) 253.0
Scald, scalded - see also Burn, by site
Scalenus anticus (anterior) syndrome 353.0
Scales 782.8
Scalp - see condition
Scaphocephaly 756.0
Scaphoiditis, tarsal 732.5
Scapulalgia 733.90
Scapulohumeral myopathy 359.1
Scar, scarring (see also Cicatrix) 709.2
Scarabiasis 134.1
Scarlatina 034.1
Scarlatinella 057.8
Scarlet fever (albuminuria) (angina) (convulsions) (lesions of lid) (rash) 034.1
Schamberg's disease, dermatitis, or dermatosis (progressive pigmentary dermatosis) 709.09
Schatzki's ring (esophagus) (lower) (congenital) 750.3
Schaufenster krankheit 413.9
Scheie's syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis IS) 277.5
Schenck's disease (sporotrichosis) 117.1
Scheuermann's disease or osteochondrosis 732.0
Scheuthauer-Marie-Sainton syndrome (cleidocranialis dysostosis) 755.59
Schilder (-Flatau) disease 341.1
Schilling-type monocytic leukemia (M9890/3) 206.9
Schimmelbusch's disease, cystic mastitis, or hyperplasia 610.1
Schirmer's syndrome (encephalocutaneous angiomatosis) 759.6
Schistocelia 756.79
Schistoglossia 750.13
Schistosoma infestation - see Infestation, Schistosoma
Schistosomiasis 120.9
Schizencephaly 742.4
Schizo-affective psychosis (see also Schizophrenia) 295.7
Schizodontia 520.2
Schizoid personality 301.20
Schizophrenia, schizophrenic (reaction) 295.9
Schizothymia 301.20
Schlafkrankheit 086.5
Schlatter's tibia (osteochondrosis) 732.4
Schlatter-Osgood disease (osteochondrosis, tibial tubercle) 732.4
Schloffer's tumor (see also Peritonitis) 567.29
Schmidt's syndrome
Schmitz (-Stutzer) dysentery 004.0
Schmorl's disease or nodes 722.30
Schneider's syndrome 047.9
Schnitzler syndrome 273.1
Schoffer's tumor (see also Peritonitis) 567.29
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