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abnormal fetus or newborn 763.9
accident, fetus or newborn - see Birth, injury
complications in mother - see Delivery, complicated
compression during NEC 767.9
defect - see Anomaly
delayed, fetus 763.9
difficult NEC, affecting fetus or newborn 763.9
dry, affecting fetus or newborn 761.1
forced, NEC, affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
forceps, affecting fetus or newborn 763.2
hematoma of sternomastoid 767.8
immature 765.1
extremely 765.0
inattention, after or at 995.52
induced, affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
infant - see Newborn
injury NEC 767.9
adrenal gland 767.8
basal ganglia 767.0
brachial plexus (paralysis) 767.6
brain (compression) (pressure) 767.0
cerebellum 767.0
cerebral hemorrhage 767.0
conjunctiva 767.8
eye 767.8
bone, any except clavicle or spine 767.3
clavicle 767.2
femur 767.3
humerus 767.3
long bone 767.3
radius and ulna 767.3
skeleton NEC 767.3
skull 767.3
spine 767.4
tibia and fibula 767.3
hematoma 767.8
liver (subcapsular) 767.8
mastoid 767.8
skull 767.19
sternomastoid 767.8
testes 767.8
vulva 767.8
intracranial (edema) 767.0
brain 767.0
by scalpel 767.8
peripheral nerve 767.7
liver 767.8
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