| |
with |
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock |
allergic - see Shock, anaphylactic |
chemical - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
correct medicinal substance properly administered 995.0 |
drug or medicinal substance |
correct substance properly administered 995.0 |
overdose or wrong substance given or taken 977.9 |
specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
food - see Anaphylactic shock, due to, food |
anaphylactoid - see Shock, anaphylactic |
anesthetic |
correct substance properly administered 995.4 |
overdose or wrong substance given 968.4 |
specified anesthetic - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
birth, fetus or newborn NEC 779.89 |
chemical substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
complicating |
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with shock |
due to |
correct substance properly administered 995.0 |
overdose or wrong substance given or taken 977.9 |
specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
food - see Anaphylactic shock, due to, food |
during labor and delivery 669.1 |
from electroshock gun (taser) 994.8 |
due to surgical procedure 998.0 |
following |
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.5 |
injury (immediate) (delayed) 958.4 |
| |