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Late - see also condition
specified type NEC 438.89
childbirth complication(s) 677
complication(s) of
childbirth 677
delivery 677
pregnancy 677
puerperium 677
surgical and medical care (conditions classifiable to 996-999) 909.3
trauma (conditions classifiable to 958) 908.6
contusion (injury classifiable to 920-924) 906.3
crushing (injury classifiable to 925-929) 906.4
delivery complication(s) 677
dislocation (injury classifiable to 830-839) 905.6
encephalitis or encephalomyelitis (conditions classifiable to 323) - see category 326
in infectious diseases 139.8
viral (conditions classifiable to 049.8, 049.9, 062-064) 139.0
external cause NEC (conditions classifiable to 995) 909.9
certain conditions classifiable to categories 991-994 909.4
foreign body in orifice (injury classifiable to 930-939) 908.5
fracture (multiple) (injury classifiable to 828-829) 905.5
lower (injury classifiable to 821-827) 905.4
neck of femur (injury classifiable to 820) 905.3
upper (injury classifiable to 810-819) 905.2
face and skull (injury classifiable to 800-804) 905.0
skull and face (injury classifiable to 800-804) 905.0
spine and trunk (injury classifiable to 805 and 807-809) 905.1
with spinal cord lesion (injury classifiable to 806) 907.2
pyogenic, intracranial - see category 326
infectious diseases (conditions classifiable to 001-136) NEC 139.8
injury (injury classifiable to 959) 908.9
blood vessel 908.3
abdomen and pelvis (injury classifiable to 902) 908.4
extremity (injury classifiable to 903-904) 908.3
head and neck (injury classifiable to 900) 908.3
intracranial (injury classifiable to 850-854) 907.0
with skull fracture 905.0
thorax (injury classifiable to 901) 908.4
internal organ NEC (injury classifiable to 867 and 869) 908.2
abdomen (injury classifiable to 863-866 and 868) 908.1
thorax (injury classifiable to 860-862) 908.0
intracranial (injury classifiable to 850-854) 907.0
with skull fracture (injury classifiable to 800-801 and 803-804) 905.0
nerve NEC (injury classifiable to 957) 907.9
cranial (injury classifiable to 950-951) 907.1
peripheral NEC (injury classifiable to 957) 907.9
lower limb and pelvic girdle (injury classifiable to 956) 907.5
upper limb and shoulder girdle (injury classifiable to 955) 907.4
roots and plexus(es), spinal (injury classifiable to 953) 907.3
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