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Hepatitis 573.3
acute (see also Necrosis, liver) 570
alcoholic 571.1
infective 070.1
with hepatic coma 070.0
alcoholic 571.1
amebic - see Abscess, liver, amebic
anicteric (acute) - see Hepatitis, viral
antigen-associated (HAA) - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
Australian antigen (positive) - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
autoimmune 571.42
catarrhal (acute) 070.1
with hepatic coma 070.0
chronic 571.40
newborn 070.1
with hepatic coma 070.0
chemical 573.3
cholangiolitic 573.8
cholestatic 573.8
chronic 571.40
active 571.49
viral - see Hepatitis, viral
aggressive 571.49
persistent 571.41
viral - see Hepatitis, viral
cytomegalic inclusion virus 078.5 [573.1]
diffuse 573.3
"dirty needle" - see Hepatitis, viral
drug-induced 573.3
due to
Coxsackie 074.8 [573.1]
cytomegalic inclusion virus 078.5 [573.1]
infectious mononucleosis 075 [573.1]
malaria 084.9 [573.2]
mumps 072.71
secondary syphilis 091.62
toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.5
congenital (active) 771.2
epidemic - see Hepatitis, viral, type A
fetus or newborn 774.4
fibrous (chronic) 571.49
acute 570
from injection, inoculation, or transfusion (blood) (other substance) (plasma) (serum) (onset within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral
fulminant (viral) (see also Hepatitis, viral) 070.9
with hepatic coma 070.6
type A 070.1
with hepatic coma 070.0
type B - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
giant cell (neonatal) 774.4
hemorrhagic 573.8
history of
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