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Hemorrhage, hemorrhagic (nontraumatic) 459.0
abdomen 459.0
accidental (antepartum) 641.2
affecting fetus or newborn 762.1
adenoid 474.8
adrenal (capsule) (gland) (medulla) 255.41
newborn 772.5
after labor - see Hemorrhage, postpartum
lung, newborn 770.3
process 525.8
alveolus 525.8
amputation stump (surgical) 998.11
secondary, delayed 997.69
anemia (chronic) 280.0
acute 285.1
antepartum - see Hemorrhage, pregnancy
anus (sphincter) 569.3
apoplexy (stroke) 432.9
arachnoid - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
artery NEC 459.0
brain (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431
middle meningeal - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
basilar (ganglion) (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431
bladder 596.8
blood dyscrasia 289.9
bowel 578.9
newborn 772.4
brain (miliary) (nontraumatic) 431
birth injury 767.0
arachnoid - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
due to
birth injury 767.0
rupture of aneurysm (congenital) (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430
mycotic 431
syphilis 094.89
epidural or extradural - see Hemorrhage, extradural
fetus or newborn (anoxic) (hypoxic) (due to birth trauma) (nontraumatic) 767.0
intraventricular 772.10
grade I 772.11
grade II 772.12
grade III 772.13
grade IV 772.14
iatrogenic 997.02
postoperative 997.02
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
stem 431
subarachnoid, arachnoid, or meningeal - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
subdural - see Hemorrhage, subdural
traumatic NEC 853.0

Note38  Use the following fifth-digit subclassification with categories 851-854:

                        0          unspecified state of consciousness
                        1          with no loss of consciousness
                        2          with brief [less than one hour] loss of consciousness
                        3          with moderate [1-24 hours] loss of consciousness
                        4          with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness and
                                    return to pre-existing conscious level
                        5          with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness,
                                    without return to pre-existing conscious level

Use fifth-digit 5 to designate when a patient is unconscious and dies before regaining consciousness, regardless of the duration of the loss of consciousness

                        6          with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration
                        9          with concussion, unspecified

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