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Hematoma (skin surface intact) (traumatic) - see also Contusion
calcified NEC 959.9
capitis 920
due to birth injury 767.19
newborn 767.19
cerebral - see Hematoma, brain
cesarean section wound 674.3
chorion - see Placenta, abnormal
complicating delivery (perineum) (vulva) 664.5
pelvic 665.7
vagina 665.7
cavernosum (nontraumatic) 607.82
luteum (nontraumatic) (ruptured) 620.1
dura (mater) - see Hematoma, brain, subdural
epididymis (nontraumatic) 608.83
epidural (traumatic) - see also Hematoma, brain, extradural
spinal - see Injury, spinal, by site
episiotomy 674.3
external ear 380.31
extradural - see also Hematoma, brain, extradural
fetus or newborn 767.0
nontraumatic 432.0
fetus or newborn 767.0
fallopian tube 620.8
genital organ (nontraumatic)
female NEC 629.89
male NEC 608.83
traumatic (external site) 922.4
internal - see Injury, internal, genital organ
graafian follicle (ruptured) 620.0
internal organs (abdomen, chest, or pelvis) - see also Injury, internal, by site
kidney - see Hematoma, kidney, traumatic
liver - see Hematoma, liver, traumatic
spleen - see Hematoma, spleen
intracranial - see Hematoma, brain
kidney, cystic 593.81
traumatic 866.01
with open wound into cavity 866.11
labia (nontraumatic) 624.5
lingual (and other parts of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920
liver (subcapsular) 573.8
birth injury 767.8
fetus or newborn 767.8
traumatic NEC 864.01
laceration - see Laceration, liver
open wound into cavity 864.11
mediastinum - see Injury, internal, mediastinum
meninges, meningeal (brain) - see also Hematoma, brain, subarachnoid
spinal - see Injury, spinal, by site
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