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Fracture (abduction) (adduction) (avulsion) (compression) (crush) (dislocation) (oblique) (separation) (closed) 829.0
boot top - see Fracture, fibula
boxers' - see Fracture, metacarpal bone(s)
breast bone - see Fracture, sternum
bucket handle (semilunar cartilage) - see Tear, meniscus
burst - see Fracture, traumatic, by site
bursting - see Fracture, phalanx, hand, distal
calcaneus (closed) 825.0
open 825.1
capitate (bone) (closed) 814.07
open 814.17
capitellum (humerus) (closed) 812.49
open 812.59
carpal bone(s) (wrist NEC) (closed) 814.00
open 814.10
specified site NEC 814.09
open 814.19
cartilage, knee (semilunar) - see Tear, meniscus
cervical - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical
chauffeur's - see Fracture, ulna, lower end
chisel - see Fracture, radius, upper end
clavicle (interligamentous part) (closed) 810.00
acromial end 810.03
open 810.13
due to birth trauma 767.2
open 810.10
shaft (middle third) 810.02
open 810.12
sternal end 810.01
open 810.11
clayshovelers' - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical
coccyx - see also Fracture, vertebra, coccyx
complicating delivery 665.6
collar bone - see Fracture, clavicle
Colles' (reversed) (closed) 813.41
open 813.51
comminuted - see Fracture, by site
compression - see also Fracture, by site
nontraumatic - see Fracture, pathologic
congenital 756.9
coracoid process (closed) 811.02
open 811.12
coronoid process (ulna) (closed) 813.02
mandible (closed) 802.23
open 802.33
open 813.12
corpus cavernosum penis 959.13
costochondral junction - see Fracture, rib
costosternal junction - see Fracture, rib
cranium - see Fracture, skull, by site
cricoid cartilage (closed) 807.5
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