Endometritis (nonspecific) (purulent) (septic) (suppurative) 615.9 |
with |
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis |
chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.36 |
cervix, cervical (see also Cervicitis) 616.0 |
complicating pregnancy 670 |
affecting fetus or newborn 760.8 |
following |
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0 |
chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.36 |
hyperplastic (see also Hyperplasia, endometrium) 621.30 |
polypoid - see Endometritis, hyperplastic |
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670 |
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.7 |