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Encephalitis (bacterial) (chronic) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (nonepidemic) (spurious) (subacute) 323.9
acute - see also Encephalitis, viral
disseminated (postinfectious) NEC 136.9 [323.61]
postimmunization or postvaccination 323.51
inclusional 049.8
inclusion body 049.8
necrotizing 049.8
arboviral, arbovirus NEC 064
arthropod-borne (see also Encephalitis, viral, arthropod-borne) 064
Australian X 062.4
Bwamba fever 066.3
California (virus) 062.5
Central European 063.2
Czechoslovakian 063.2
Dawson's (inclusion body) 046.2
diffuse sclerosing 046.2
due to
actinomycosis 039.8 [323.41]
cat-scratch disease 078.3 [323.01]
human herpesvirus 6 058.21
human herpesvirus 7 058.29
human herpesvirus NEC 058.29
infection classified elsewhere 136.9 [323.41]
infectious mononucleosis 075 [323.01]
malaria (see also Malaria) 084.6 [323.2]
negishi virus 064
ornithosis 073.7 [323.01]
prophylactic inoculation against smallpox 323.51
rickettsiosis (see also Rickettsiosis) 083.9 [323.1]
rubella 056.01
toxoplasmosis (acquired) 130.0
congenital (active) 771.2 [323.41]
typhus (fever) (see also Typhus) 081.9 [323.1]
vaccination (smallpox) 323.51
Eastern equine 062.2
endemic 049.8
epidemic 049.8
equine (acute) (infectious) (viral) 062.9
eastern 062.2
venezuelan 066.2
western 062.1
Far Eastern 063.0
following vaccination or other immunization procedure 323.51
herpes 054.3
human herpesvirus 6 058.21
human herpesvirus 7 058.29
human herpesvirus NEC 058.29
ilheus (virus) 062.8
inclusion body 046.2
infectious (acute) (virus) NEC 049.8
influenzal 487.8 [323.41]
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