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after delivery (cause not stated) (sudden) 674.9
due to
correct substance properly administered 995.4
overdose or wrong substance given 968.4
specified anesthetic - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
during delivery 668.9
brain 348.8
cardiac (sudden) (SCD) - code to underlying condition
family history of  V17.41
personal history of, successfully resuscitated V12.53
cause unknown 798.2
cot (infant) 798.0
crib (infant) 798.0
fetus, fetal (cause not stated) (intrauterine) 779.9
early, with retention (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
from asphyxia or anoxia (before labor) 768.0
during labor 768.1
late, affecting management of pregnancy (after 22 completed weeks gestation) 656.4
from pregnancy NEC 646.9
instantaneous 798.1
intrauterine (see also Death, fetus) 779.9
complicating pregnancy 656.4
maternal, affecting fetus or newborn 761.6
neonatal NEC 779.9
sudden (cause unknown) 798.1
cardiac (SCD)
family history of V17.41
personal history of, successfully resuscitated V12.53
during delivery 669.9
under anesthesia NEC 668.9
infant, syndrome (SIDS) 798.0
puerperal, during puerperium 674.9
unattended (cause unknown) 798.9
under anesthesia NEC
due to
correct substance properly administered 995.4
overdose or wrong substance given 968.4
specified anesthetic - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
during delivery 668.9
violent 798.1
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