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Cellulitis (diffuse) (with lymphangitis) (see also Abscess) 682.9
labium (majus) (minus) (see also Vulvitis) 616.10
larynx 478.71
leg, except foot 682.6
lip 528.5
mammary gland 611.0
mouth (floor) 528.3
multiple sites NEC 682.9
nasopharynx 478.21
navel 682.2
newborn NEC 771.4
neck (region) 682.1
nipple 611.0
nose 478.19
external 682.0
orbit, orbital 376.01
palate (soft) 528.3
pectoral (region) 682.2
pelvis, pelvic
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
female (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4
acute 614.3
abortion 639.0
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.0
male 567.21
puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 670
penis 607.2
perineal, perineum 682.2
perirectal 566
peritonsillar 475
periurethral 597.0
periuterine (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4
acute 614.3
pharynx 478.21
phlegmonous NEC 682.9
rectum 566
retromammary 611.0
retroperitoneal (see also Peritonitis) 567.38
round ligament (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) 614.4
acute 614.3
scalp (any part) 682.8
dissecting 704.8
scrotum 608.4
seminal vesicle 608.0
septic NEC 682.9
shoulder 682.3
specified sites NEC 682.8
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